The rates of urinary leakage with coughing or sneezing also go up with aging, from hormonal reasons, stretching from childbirth and/or prior pelvic surgery, such as a hysterectomy. The vulva, which includes the labia minor (vaginal lips) and labia majora (mound-like areas near the vaginal opening) both atrophy with age. The tissues become smaller and the labia majora fat pads shrink. Color changes often occur as well with some irregular pigmentation in these areas, making things look older.
Childbirth is a big deal in many ways. The vagina is made to stretch, but large babies and/or repeated childbirth with vaginal deliveries often cause stretch injuries such as vaginal looseness and/or lacerations. Some of the stretching resolves after childbirth, some may not. Childbirth can produce a looser vaginal canal, something doctors call vaginal laxity. However, some women are just naturally looser and may want laser tightening procedures to enhance sexual pleasure both for themselves and for their partners, even if they have never given birth. A tight fit often feels more pleasurable for both partners. Many women are also better able to achieve orgasm if their canal is tighter. Those with prior vaginal laser therapy often report sex feels more pleasurable and that they just feel younger. In summary, six correctable vaginal, urinary and vulvar problems may occur with aging: vaginal laxity, atrophic vaginitis (including irritation or pain with sex), urinary leakage, decreased pleasure with sex, vulvar atrophy and external vulvar color changes. Until recently options for vaginal atrophy and/or tightening have been limited. These have included surgery to tighten the vaginal canal. This is an effective way to tighten up, but if a woman has urinary leakage, pain with sex, vaginal atrophy or external color changes these are often not helped by this type of surgery. Surgery is expensive and this type is often not covered by insurance. It requires general anesthesia and has some risk of complications. Typically, intercourse should be avoided for 6-8 weeks.
Laser for Incontinence: How Many Treaments Are Needed?
For best results most practitioners do 3 procedures, each at least 4 weeks apart. However, women with more minor problems (typically prior to the menopause) may be happy with 1 or 2 procedures. After vaginal reconditioning in a postmenopausal woman a refresher procedure is typically done about yearly. A younger woman may need this less often or not at all. The satisfaction rate is nearly 100% after vaginal laser treatment as people find it painless or nearly so and also find it extremely effective. If you are interested let us know and we can give you more information and see if you are a candidate for this high tech, effective, nonsurgical option.
Noticeable Results Seen Often After Just One Treatment:
At Reno Sparks Medspa, Dr. Van Reken and his laser team are excited to have the Syneron CO2RE Intima Laser, which performs vaginal revitalization, vulvar rejuvenation and treatment of urinary incontinence. The patients that have already been treated with a vaginal CO2 laser by Dr. Van Reken are quite satisfied. One young lady with urinary incontinence was cured after one laser treatment and also noted improved pleasure during sex. These improvements occured in under one month with noticeable results often seen after the first visit.
Call To Schedule a FREE Laser Vaginal Revitalization Consultation:
To schedule a Free Laser Vaginal Revitalization Consultaiton with Dr. Van Reken where you can find out first hand how the Syneron CO2RE Intima can help you, give our office a call. We also offer treatments for sun damage skin, deep facial wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, pigmented changes (melasma) caused by over exposure to the sun or other signs of skin aging.
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