More people are using laser treatment to permanently get rid of hair from their faces and bodies than ever before. Laser hair removal treatment usually requires 6-8 treatments over a series of months and hair removal is usually permanent. Lasers work by emitting light at various wavelengths, energy output, and pulse widths. Our Laser treatments are customized for the size of your hairs in the body area treated and adjusted for your skin color to make the treatments safer, more effective and more comfortable.
Lasers used for hair removal target melanin and are designed to heat the melanin in dark hairs. The heat damages the hair follicles so that they are unable to grow hair. White, gray and red hairs generally do not respond to laser hair removal. If you are considering Laser Hair Removal and you are going gray you should get started before you get more gray hairs. Laser Hair Removal works for both men and women.
Cosmetic benefits of laser hair removal include fewer hairs, thinner hairs, lighter hairs and slower growing hairs. Note that all 4 of these improve appearance, not just fewer hairs.
Other benefits of laser hair removal include the following:
• Long term savings (less money or no money spent on waxing, shaving, shaving supplies).
• Less or no razor burn, abscesses or folliculitis.
• Less sweating in armpits or groin areas, leading to drier clothes and less body odor.
• Less time spent shaving, waxing or going to the aesthetician for these..
Commonly Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal:
Below are answers to some of the common questions I get about Laser Hair Removal.
- What is the the most effective technique to permanently remove hair?
Laser hair removal. We use a Gentle YAG Pro which is a 1064 wavelength laser. This laser is safer for people with darker skin, such as Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Middle Eastern & East Indian skin types. It is effective for all skin types and is the safest wavelength for Laser Hair removal.
- What is the safest technique for permanent hair removal
Laser hair removal.
- How effective is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is very effective, provided we are talking about the right kind of hair. Perhaps first we should mention what is will not do. It will not remove gray hairs or tiny, peach fuzz hairs (common on the cheeks or jaws). What it will do is remove darker colors of hair fairly effectively. Black and brown hair are included. Light blond hairs may be partly removed. Red, gray and white hairs are not effectively removed. After a series of treatments black or fairly dark hairs respond the very best. An example might be a light or olive skinned Italian or Latina lady with upper lip, chin, bikini area and armpit hair. A series of treatments with this skin type might result in 95-98% hair removal.
- Are some body parts harder to treat than others?
Yes. In general, larger, thicker hairs are easier to treat. Thick hairs are typical in the armpit and pubic and/or bikini area. This makes a great target for the laser light and the hair follicle is easier to treat because of greater light absorption. Let’s say you had 6 treatments in a young female of 18 in the armpits, bikini area and upper lip. Even before treatment these hairs are different. They tend to be pretty large in the armpits and bikini areas. They are much finer in the upper lip. Such a woman would probably have very good results already with just 6 treatments in these large hair areas, but her upper lip hairs, though far fewer in number, might still improve with more treatment.
- How many treatments will I need?
It depends on the goal. For example, let’s say the goal is not complete hair removal, but reduction of razor burn. Jose is a 40 year old Latino male. He has a full beard, dark hair and does not mind his beard and mustache, but he always shaves the front of his neck. When he shaves he gets razor burn–small areas of irritation, stinging and infection, often with pimples (small abscesses). Every few years he even gets a large abscess (boil) and he has some scars on his neck where this has happened before. Jose wants to shave more quickly and markedly reduce his razor burn. 2-3 treatments would probably drop the hair count by more than half and reduce his razor burn by 95%. Faces, cheeks & upper lips in women often have small hairs. Some of these women are still getting hair reduction after 6 or 8 treatments and will occasionally need up to about 12. 4-6 treatments often produces great results in armpits, chest, back, or bikini areas. Legs are variable, but often do well with 6 treatments. We even have a guarantee package, wherein one can pay for 6 treatments at full price and we’ll do more than the 6 at no additional charge if someone still has hair.
- Does laser hair removal hurt?
Laser hair removal does hurt some, but the pain is variable, usually mild and easy to control. It does not last long. First, discomfort depends on how much hair is in the area. Upper lip and chin in women tend to not hurt all that much due to the fine hairs and small hair counts in these areas. Armpits and bikini areas tend to hurt a bit more. Most people getting treated describe the sensation as similar to getting snapped with a rubber band–it stings, but not for long. Numbing creams are helpful and cut the pain when rubbed on before the hair removal process is started.
- How much hair can be removed each treatment
Research studies indicate that a typical response is a 15-30% reduction in hair with each treatment.
- How often can I get treatments?
You can be treated about every 28 days on most areas of the body.
- Can laser hair removal help with hair growth due to hormonal imbalance?
This story is typical for polycystic ovary syndrome. It is common, occurring in 10% of women. Most are overweight. Most of these women have acne, excessive hair (hirsutism) or both. However, these problems are not always severe. PCO syndrome is common in Latinas in my practice and also common in Irish women. Fertility and miscarriages can also occur at higher rates in this syndrome. Many treatments are available. Laser hair removal works nicely, but tends to require more therapy than in a women without hormonal imbalance. Other treatments such as medications are available including a variety of oral medications. Metformin may help such women lose weight or improve fertility, reduce blood sugar, lower triglycerides and regulate periods. It is also commonly used for diabetes or borderline diabetes. Spironolactone will help reduce hair growth and reduce lower face acne, such as on the chin or near the mouth. It may also lower blood pressure and is used for this reason at well. Birth control pills will nicely regulate periods and also reduce acne. Many of these women with PCO syndrome have high triglycerides, low HDL levels, high cholesterol and also frequently have diabetes or borderline diabetes. Their risk of cardiovascular events as they age is higher than those without the syndrome. Since heart attacks and strokes are more common as these gals age it is a good thing for them to be checked out by a careful internal medicine doctor. He can diagnose and manage these other problems, markedly lowering her cardiovascular risk and simultaneously helping the PCO syndrome symptoms and cosmetic problems. . Making these gals look more feminine with laser hair removal is often easy, but they need attention to these other medical issues as well.
- Are there side effects to the procedure?
Long term the biggest one is light areas (hypopigmentation). With our machine and our settings we have so far been able to avoid this. However, many people treated get temporary light spots with IPL, less so with laser hair removal.
- I'm only 40 but I have wrinkles. Will laser hair removal help the wrinkles?
Probably not very much. Botox, Infini Radiofrequency and PRP injections are a better answer for wrinkles.
- What are some reasons I should delay laser hair removal?
There are several things that should make you delay therapy. All are related to either less effectiveness or a higher risk of complications.
Things that reduce effectiveness:
1. Recent waxing or plucking. For good results you should not do this for at least 10 days before the procedure. For the absolute best results none of this for 6 weeks prior to the procedure. Shaving & dipilatory (hair removal) creams are OK, even the day of the procedure. .2. Recent electrolysis, most troublesome if done within the last 10 days, may decrease the effectiveness of the procedure. Shaving & dipilatory (hair removal) creams are OK, even the day of the procedure.
Things that increase risk of complications:
1. Recent tanning or significant sun exposure in the treatment area. No recent tanning is wise, especially in the prior 14 days. Those planning laser hair removal in reno in the coming month should wear sun screen or cover the area to be treated with clothing. If a significant tan is present the procedure should be delayed until it is gone.2. Accutane (isotretinoin) use within the past 3 months would be a reason to delay therapy.
3. Diseases that can be aggravated by the sun such as lupus, porphyria, or those with polymorphous light eruptions. I have treated a number of patients with light sensitivity without problems, but I have always done a test spot first and none had problems.
4. Prior herpes simplex infections (oral or genital, most commonly) in or very near the areas to be treated. These are commonly called cold sores on the face and herpes elsewhere in the body. This may be controlled by giving the client an antiviral medication, like Valtrex or Famvir the day of the procedure
5. Active bacterial or viral infection in the treatment area. In this case we prefer to treat the infection first and then do laser hair removal reno later.
6. Tattoos in the treatment area. We’ll need to avoid tattoos as these may burn, fade or be altered.
- Who will perform the procedure?
In our office Dr. Van Reken and other certified laser technicians can perform this procedure. Most procedures in our office are done by one of these trained staff members, not the doctor. However, Dr. Van Reken is available when questions arise about machine settings to provide maximum safety and effectiveness. In addition, you may request a specific laser tech. Perhaps you prefer a female Laser tech because of modesty issues in the area being treated. We are happy to honor such requests.
Schedule Your Laser Hair Removal Consultation Today…
To schedule a Laser Hair Removal Consultation, with Dr. Van Reken here at the Reno Sparks MedSpa, give us a call or visit the contact us page.
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