Over the years, women have looked to laser hair removal as an alternative to bleaching, shaving, waxing or plucking unwanted face or body hairs. It’s no wonder as laser hair removal requires only a few treatments and the results are usually permanent making it a cost effective option.
But a shift in the market is now taking place. More and more men who are frustrated with unwanted hair growth or just tired of shaving are joining ranks with those women who have already made Laser Hair Removal their face and body hair solution.
In fact, even at our MedSpa in Reno I have begun to notice this new trend as each month we are seeing more men for Laser Hair Removal.
Contact us if you’d like to schedule a FREE Laser Hair Removal Consultation.
For most men, hair loss is not the only problem they face with time. Unwanted hair growth in areas such as the ears and eyebrows add to the already long list of embarrassing places for unwanted hair growth such as the back and tricep areas. This is a common reason why men in their 40’s and 50’s come to us for Laser Hair Removal.
Treating the Grays Before They Arrive:
There is another group of men who have taken to laser hair removal but not for the removal of unwanted hair but rather for preventative purposes.
Allow me to explain…
Like women, as a man gets older, his hair gradually turns gray. It is a natural process that can’t be avoided. However, unlike women, men also have to worry about their chest hairs turning gray. While there are color treatments for gray scalp hair, when it comes to the chest, the options are minimal (and laser hair removal does not work well on gray hair regardless of the area). Because of this, many mature men are opting to remove their chest hairs with Laser Hair Removal before they turn gray.
In brief, laser hair removal works by emitting light at various wavelengths, energy outputs, and pulse widths. The wavelength used is determined by the skin structures it will affect such as veins, melanin, or water. Most lasers used for hair removal target melanin and are therefore designed to heat structures that contain melanin, like black or brown hairs.
The cosmetic and financial benefits of Laser Hair Removal over other forms of hair removal include:
• Fewer, thinner, lighter hairs and slower regrowth
• Long term savings (less money spent on waxing, shaving and shaving supplies).
• Less or no razor burn, abscesses or folliculitis.
• Less sweating in the armpit or groin areas, leading to drier clothes and less body odor.
• Less time spent waxing or going to a day spa for wax treatments.
To learn more about the benefits of Laser Hair Removal over treatments like electrolysis or to read answers to some commonly asked questions we get about this procedure, click here now.
The cost for laser hair removal will depend on the size of the area being treated and the thickness of the hair to be removed. Traditionally, larger areas or areas with more stubborn hairs require more treatments than smaller areas or areas with less coarse hairs, thus the price for each will be different. At our MedSpa in Reno, we offer monthly specials on all our cosmetic products, services and procedures including Laser Hair Removal, our Smart Skin CO2 Laser and vein removal services at our Reno Vein Clinic.
To schedule a laser hair removal consultation at our MedSpa in Reno, NV, you can contact our office using our online scheduler or give us a call.
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